Test #4, chapter 13

Once again, I have some fun information for you to help you better process and prepare for the upcoming exam. Please remember that this is not an end-all study guide, but a study aid, designed to help you better focus your attention in the upcoming exam.

With 13.2, you should be able to:

  1. Define and describe mediated communication and explain why it differs from other forms of communication
  2. Provide examples of mediated communication channels

In 13.3, we focus on the individual’s relationship with mass media. After reading this section, you should be able to:

  1. Explain how active agents who seek particular media messages may be influenced by media; you should be able to offer a similar-level explanation for resisters of messages
  2. Describe selective exposure, and explain its relationship to the hostile media effects
  3. Identify and provide examples of the four uses and gratifications of mediated communication, as outlined in the text

In 13.4, which focuses on media, society, and the individual, you should be able to:

  1. Describe content analysis as a form of communication research
  2. Explain what is meant when we describe the media as having an agenda-setting capacity
  3. Describe and explain cultivation theory

13.5 identifies ethical issues we may need to consider when looking at media. You should be able to, upon reading the section:

  1. Define and describe media activism, and identify examples of its use


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